Sunday, December 20, 2009



Saturday, February 7, 2009


What is amoxicillin?
This drug is an antibiotic which kills bacteria and clears up infection within the body

What is it used for?
Amoxicillin is used for many different bacterial infections. When used with other drugs it can cure the stomach infection called Helicobactor pylori gastritis

How do I take it?
Follow your physician's instructions carefully. Amoxicillin can be taken with or without food. It is important to complete the full course of therapy. The capsule may be opened and the contents sprinkled on soft food to make it easier to swallow. If using the liquid be sure to shake well before each dose and keep in the refrigerator. Discard any unused liquid after 14 days. Keep in a tightly sealed container. Keep all medications away from children. Never share your medications with anyone else.

What do I do for a missed dose?
Antibiotics work best when there is a steady blood level. Therefore, it is necessary to take the drug at evenly spaced intervals and to avoid missing doses. If you should miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose and you take 2 doses a day, take the one you missed and the next dose 5 to 6 hours later. If you take 3 or more doses a day, take the one you missed and the next dose 2 to 4 hours later. Then return to your regular schedule

Are there interactions with food or beverages?
There are no known food or beverage interactions. Amoxicillin may be taken with milk, fruit juices or carbonated drinks.


Monday, February 2, 2009


What is an Allergy?

The topic of allergies has become routine in our lives, and certainly most everyone has an idea of what an allergy is. Allergies are so common a subject in fact, it seems acceptable to discuss your allergies at a cocktail party with strangers.
How do Allergies Start?
The allergic person can make allergic antibodies, or IgE, against a variety of allergens, including pollens, molds, animal danders, dust mites, foods, venoms and medications. This occurs through a process called sensitization, where a person’s immune system is exposed to enough of the allergen to make the body produce allergic antibodies to that substance.
When and Why do People Develop Allergies?
It is unknown why some people develop allergies and some don’t. Allergies seem to run in families, and in some cases family members can share allergies to specific foods or medications. It appears that the allergic response was once meant to protect the body against parasitic infections, although now seems to be an abnormal response to non-infectious triggers.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of allergies may be obvious, such as with hay fever, or not so obvious, such as with hives and trouble breathing after taking a certain medication. Learn how to recognize the various symptoms that suggest that a person has allergies. The diagnosis of allergies can be made in various ways, including the presence of allergy symptoms and positive allergy tests. Learn about the types of allergy tests that are available.


Often, the best way to treat allergies is to prevent them from occurring in the first place; this is accomplished through the avoidance of allergic triggers. However, avoidance is not always possible, such as when a person is allergic to pollen in the air. Therefore, many people with allergies require medications to treat their symptoms. Learn about the various avoidance techniques to prevent allergy symptoms, as well as the various medications available to treat allergies.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This chapter contains information detailing cancers by type. As our focus is on the biology of the cancers and their treatments, we do not give detailed treatment guidelines. Instead, we link to organizations in the U.S. that generate the treatment guidelines.

Thank you for your patience as we work to continue expanding this chapter with additional cancer types. If the cancer in which you are interested is not yet presented, please check back because we will be adding new cancer types regularly.



Colon & Rectal (Colorectal)




Multiple Myeloma



Stomach (Gastric)

Saturday, January 31, 2009


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends eye protection for a variety of potential exposure settings where workers may be at risk of acquiring infectious diseases via ocular exposure. This document provides background information and specific details on eye protection that can be used to supplement eye protection recommendations provided in current CDC infection control guidance documents. It is intended to familiarize workers with the various types of eye protection available, their characteristics, and their applicable use. Workers should understand that regular prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses are not considered eye protection.
Infectious diseases can be transmitted through various mechanisms, among which are infections that can be introduced through the mucous membranes of the eye (conjunctiva). These include viruses and bacteria than can cause conjunctivitis (e.g., adenovirus, herpes simplex, Staphylococcus aureus) and viruses that can cause systemic infections, including bloodborne viruses (e.g. hepatitis B and C viruses, human immunodeficiency virus), herpes viruses, and rhinoviruses. Infectious agents are introduced to the eye either directly (e.g., blood splashes, respiratory droplets generated during coughing or suctioning) or from touching the eyes with contaminated fingers or other objects.
Eye protection provides a barrier to infectious materials entering the eye and is often used in conjunction with other personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, and masks or respirators.
Topic Index
Eye Safety Eye Safety for Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery Eye Safety Tool Box Talk Contact Lens Use in a Chemical Environment

Friday, January 30, 2009

Common eye protection devices are as follows:

Appropriately fitted, indirectly-vented goggles* with a manufacturer’s anti-fog coating provide the most reliable practical eye protection from splashes, sprays, and respiratory droplets. Newer styles of goggles may provide better indirect airflow properties to reduce fogging, as well as better peripheral vision and more size options for fitting goggles to different workers. Many styles of goggles fit adequately over prescription glasses with minimal gaps. However, to be efficacious, goggles must fit snugly, particularly from the corners of the eye across the brow. While highly effective as eye protection, goggles do not provide splash or spray protection to other parts of the face.
* Directly-vented goggles may allow penetration by splashes or sprays; therefore, indirectly-vented or non-vented goggles are preferred for infection control.

Face Shields
Face shields are commonly used as an infection control alternative to goggles.** As opposed to goggles, a face shield can also provide protection to other facial areas. To provide better face and eye protection from splashes and sprays, a face shield should have crown and chin protection and wrap around the face to the point of the ear, which reduces the likelihood that a splash could go around the edge of the shield and reach the eyes. Disposable face shields for medical personnel made of light weight films that are attached to a surgical mask or fit loosely around the face should not be relied upon as optimal protection.
** In a chemical exposure or industrial setting, faceshields should be used in addition to goggles, not as a substitute for goggles (ANSI Z87.1-2003 Practice for occupational and educational eye and face protection).

Safety Glasses
Safety glasses provide impact protection but do not provide the same level of splash or droplet protection as goggles and generally should not be used for infection control purposes.
Full-face Respirators
Full facepiece elastomeric respirators and powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) are designed and used for respiratory protection, but because of their design incidentally provide highly effective eye protection as well. Selection of this type of PPE should be based on an assessment of the respiratory hazard in an infection control situation, but will also provide, as an additional benefit, optimal eye protection.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer. It is estimated that over 1 million new cases occur annually. The annual rates of all forms of skin cancer are increasing each year, representing a growing public concern. It has also been estimated that nearly half of all Americans who live to age 65 will develop skin cancer at least once.
The most common warning sign of skin cancer is a change in the appearance of the skin, such as a new growth or a sore that will not heal.
The term "skin cancer" refers to three different conditions. From the least to the most dangerous, they are:

basal cell carcinoma (or basal cell carcinoma epithelioma)
squamous cell carcinoma (the first stage of which is called actinic keratosis)

The two most common forms of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Together, these two are also referred to as nonmelanoma skin cancer. Melanoma is generally the most serious form of skin cancer because it tends to spread (metastasize) throughout the body quickly. Skin cancer is also known as skin neoplasia.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rashes are a very broad topic, but this Advisory has a narrow focus: dry skin and eczematous rashes. Dry skin is a problem faced by almost all of us on occasion, but it’s always a problem if you have eczema.
What is Eczema?
Eczema is a term used for a group of skin conditions having several things in common: dryness, itching, inflammation and thickening of skin, and recurrence. See the table below for descriptions of the usual types.
What Causes It?

Nobody knows exactly why some people are affected by these rashes and others with the same exposure aren’t. Those with atopic dermatitis often have non-skin allergies (like hay fever and asthma) but their rashes aren’t caused by skin allergies. On the other hand, those with contact dermatitis do have true skin allergies, but usually not other allergic problems like someone with atopic dermatitis. Contact dermatitis occurs at all ages, whereas atopic dermatitis is most often a problem in kids. Hand dermatitis is caused by skin irritants such as detergents or chemicals. Dry (chapped) skin occurs because of lack of water in the stratum corneum (see diagram). If your skin surface doesn’t have enough oil, there’s more evaporation of water which contributes to the dryness

Scratching can actually trigger eczematous rashes. Initial mild itching makes you want to scratch, of course. But scratching damages the skin, worsens inflammation, irritates surface nerves, and leads to even more intense itching than you had before. This cycle aggravates and prolongs all of these rashes. In fact some eczematous rashes completely disappear without any treatment if you just stop scratching.
As you can tell, these rashes differ in many ways. So why do we lump them together? Because the underlying chronic inflammation makes them all look, feel and respond to treatment in the same ways.

If you have eczema or dry skin, you’ll probably have it again unless you take preventive steps. Advice in the table below applies to all varieties of eczema and dry skin.

  • Avoiding Eczema and Dry (chapped) Skin
  • DO use moisturizers twice daily (more often on hands) to hydrate and soften skin, and reduce itching.
  • try to determine what exposures aggravate your rash and avoid them (click here for Common Culprits of Skin Irritation/Allergy).
  • humidify dry air, especially in your bedroom.
    clip fingernails short and even wear light cotton gloves to stop "sleep scratching."
  • use soapless cleansers or non-alkaline (neutral) soaps (see Recommended Products section).
  • wear gloves when washing dishes or clothing, and don’t allow your hands to be constantly wet.

  • scratch the itch!
  • use regular bath soap.
  • use any skin products or laundry products with added fragrances.
  • shower daily. If you must, use recommended cleansers only (see Recommended Products section).
  • allow wool clothing or blankets against your skin.
  • expose your skin to very cold or hot air.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Characterized by facial redness and swelling,
rosacea is a facial skin problem that usually afflicts adults with fair skin. It can appear at any age. Rosacea usually develops slowly at first, appearing periodically as a facial flush. The condition worsens over time and rarely resolves on its own. A cosmetic dermatologist can effectively treat rosacea with topical or oral medications, as well as facial skin treatments, such as laser therapy, to provide generally excellent results.


Warts are benign growths that are caused by a virus. Although warts are generally raised, rough, and skin-colored, they can manifest in many forms and hues. Warts can appear almost anywhere on the body and can be an unsightly and sometimes painful skin problem. Although warts will usually disappear over time, the discomfort and cosmetic imposition they cause often motivates patients to seek effective wart removal treatment from a cosmetic dermatologist. Wart removal is a generally painless process that can be performed in a quick office visit.


Wrinkles and lines on the skin are among the most common facial skin problems for women and men as they age. Lines and wrinkles appear where skin naturally folds and creases, becoming more and more permanent as time goes on. Sun exposure, smoking, and extreme dieting can hasten this effect, making skin look older than it is. A cosmetic dermatologist can prescribe professional skin care products and perform a wide variety of very effective procedures to smooth and rejuvenate skin

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


moles are raised, round, usually dark brown spots on the skin that may be present at birth or develop over time. Most moles are harmless, but some may develop into skin cancer. Any mole that has an irregular edge, uneven coloring, or is larger than a pencil eraser should be evaluated by a dermatologist. Most moles are not cancerous, but they may pose cosmetic skin problems, so many people elect to have their skin moles removed.
MOLES Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Most moles appear in early childhood and during the first 20 years of a person's life. Some moles may not appear until later in life. It is normal to have between 10-40 moles by adulthood. As the years pass, moles usually change slowly, becoming raised and/or changing color. Often, hairs develop on the mole. Some moles may not change at all, while others may slowly disappear over time.

What Causes a Mole?
Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural color. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, and during pregnancy. Types of Moles · Congenital nevi are moles that appear at birth. Congenital nevi occur in about one in 100 people. These moles may be more likely to develop into melanoma (cancer) than are moles that appear after birth. A mole or freckle should be checked if it has a diameter of more than 7 mm or any characteristics of the ABCDEs of melanoma. · Dysplastic nevi are moles that are larger than average (larger than a pencil eraser) and irregular in shape. They tend to have uneven color with dark brown centers and lighter, uneven edges. These moles tend to be hereditary (passed on from parent to child through genes). People with dysplastic nevi may have more than 100 moles and have a greater chance of developing melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. Any changes in a mole should be checked by a dermatologist to detect skin cancer.

How Do I Know if a Mole Is Cancer?
Most moles are not dangerous. The only moles that are of medical concern are those that look different than other existing moles or those that first appear after age 20. If you notice changes in a mole's color, height, size or shape, you should have a dermatologist (skin doctor) evaluate it. You also should have moles checked if they bleed, ooze, itch, appear scaly, or become tender or painful. Examine your skin with a mirror or ask someone to help you. Pay special attention to areas of your skin that are often exposed to the sun, such as the hands, arms, chest, neck, face, and ears. If your moles do not change over time, there is little reason for concern. If you see any signs of change in an existing mole, if you have a new mole, or if you want a mole to be removed for cosmetic reasons, talk to your dermatologist The following ABCDEs are important characteristics to consider when examining your moles. If a mole displays any of the signs listed below, have it checked immediately by a dermatologist. It could be cancerous. · Asymmetry. One half of the mole does not match the other half. · Border. The border or edges of the mole are ragged, blurred, or irregular. · Color. The color of the mole is not the same throughout or has shades of tan, brown, black, blue, white, or red. · Diameter. The diameter of a mole is larger than the eraser of a pencil. · Elevation.A portion of the mole appears elevated, or raised from the skin. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. The most common location for melanoma in men is the back and in women, it is the lower leg. Melanoma is the most common cancer in women ages 25 to 29.

How Are Moles Treated?
If a dermatologist believes a mole needs to be evaluated further or removed entirely, he or she will either remove the entire mole, or first take just a small tissue sample of the mole to examine thin sections of the tissue under a microscope (a biopsy). This is a simple procedure. (If the dermatologist thinks the mole might be cancerous, cutting through the mole will not cause the cancer to spread.) If the mole is found to be cancerous, and only a small section of tissue was taken, the dermatologist will remove the entire mole by cutting out the entire mole and a rim of normal skin around it, and stitching the wound closed. Skin Tag A skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Skin tags are not dangerous. They are usually found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts, or in the groin area. Skin tags appear most often in women, especially with weight gain, and in elderly people. Skin tags usually don't cause any pain. However, they can become irritated if anything, such as clothing or jewelry, rubs on them. How Are Skin Tags Treated?
Your dermatologist can remove a skin tag by cutting it off with a scalpel or scissors, with cryotherapy (freezing it off), or with electrosurgery (burning it off with an electric current). Lentigo A lentigo (plural: lentigines) is a spot on the skin that is darker (usually brown) than the surrounding skin. Lentigines are more common among whites, especially those with fair skin. What Causes Lentigines? Exposure to the sun seems to be the major cause of lentigines. Lentigines most often appear on parts of the body that get the most sun, including the face and hands. Some lentigines may be caused by genetics (family history) or by medical procedures such as radiation therapy.

Technique #1 - Surgery
Depending on the type of mole, surgery may be necessary. The deciding factor here will be if the mole is benign or malignant. If the mole is malignant, it must be surgically remove. However, most moles are benign and will not require this procedure. Many would advise against surgery for a benign mole removal procedure do to the pain involved as well as the price. The average cost to have a mole surgically removed will be $150-$200. There are much better alternative available.
Technique #2 - Laser Surgery
Another form of mole removal is with laser surgery. While scaring is not usually an issue with this technique, it is important to know that this is not a method for treating deep moles. This method of removal may require several treatments (1-3) before the mole is gone. Price can range from $50-$100 per treatment per mole. This can become a very expensive form of mole removal.
Technique #3 - Herbal Products
This is by far my favorite method for skin moles removal. There are many home remedies as well as over the counter creams. Scars are rare with this method but they can happen. Herbal products are preferred by many because of their effectiveness and the lack of pain involved. Another bonus of this procedure is the fact that it can be preformed from home.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Undereye Circles

Darkened skin beneath the eyes is a common skin problem caused by factors such as heredity, lack of sleep, allergies, diet, and sun exposure. In many cases, the darkened circles can be reversed by resolving the underlying cause, or they can be concealed with cosmetics. A cosmetic dermatologist can provide treatments that can reduce or eliminate the discoloration of persistent and very dark undereye circles.

Sun Damage

Long-term exposure to the sun is the single biggest factor contributing to visible signs of aging and other facial skin problems. Sun damage can lead to uneven pigmentation, deep wrinkles, leathery skin, and skin cancer. The best defense against sun damage is by preventing exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays through the use of sunscreen and protective clothing. A cosmetic dermatologist can provide highly effective treatments to minimize the visible signs of
sun damage and restore smoother, healthier looking skin.

Aging skin changes

A very few fortunate adults have skin that hardly seems to age at all, and stay clear of serious blemishes and wrinkles in skin well into old age.A lady who has cared for her beautiful skin for 75 years, but now is showing the inevitable signs of aging: dry skin that wrinkles skin.


Reader's Question: I have a few brown spots on my face. Are these cancer? If they're not cancer, what can I do to get rid of them?

Sue's Response: Unfortunately for all of us, melanocytes just can't stop working overtime. As I've discussed in

previous posts, melanin (released by melanocytes) is a key component of our bodies' defense against sun exposure. This is why darker people burn less easily after sun exposure and why lighter people are most often affected by skin cancer. However, a newly darkened area on your skin doesn't always turn out to be melanoma.

These dark patches on the skin are called solar lentigenes, hyperpigmentation, or less formally, sun spots. These discolorations are not cancerous and don't cause negative effects on your skin health. If you neglect sunscreen or have neglected sunscreen in the past, chances are you have a few of these sun spots on your face, neck and hands. People with darker skin tones may experience these solar lentigenes as patches of ashy or gray skin.

Your mother may have referred to them as "liver spots," but these darker areas have no connection with liver function. Instead, they are mostly the result of sun damage, much like a freckle that appears after a summer in the sun. Occasionally, these darker patches appear on the face and neck as a result of hormonal changes (most often due to pregnancy) and also appear after cuts and blemishes heal on darker skin.
Melanocytes release melanin when it gets triggered by an enzyme known as tyrosinase. Melanin-inhibiting ingredients most often attempt to stop this enzyme before it spurs an increase in melanin production. There are a few topical methods of fading the spots, but the most effective way involves a combination of sunscreen, tretinoin and hydroquinone.

Melanin-Inhibiting Ingredients

You've heard this before, but it bears repeating: Using sunscreen every day and avoiding any unnecessary sun exposure will not only prevent further damage but also allow your skin to repair itself to an extent. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays by looking for both physical (titanium dioxide or zinc oxide) and chemical (avobenzone) sunscreens. Without sunscreen, other methods of fading these spots will have little benefit since those treatments will not cancel out your continuing exposure to the sun.

Kojic acid, a by-product of the fermentation process of Japanese sake, shows some improvement in fading the skin because it inhibits tyrosinase. However, the ingredient is known for its instability in cosmetic formulas. Tretinoin (known by its brand name as Renova) also shows some improvement in fading sun spots. Azelaic acid, derived from grains such as wheat and rye, also shows promise in terms of fading hyperpigmentation.
Resolved Question
Show me another »

How to get rid of age spots/dark blemishes from sun damage?
I have a couple on my forehead from the sun..tried a few over the counter products..not working. Anyone know of a natural remedy they have tried?
11 months ago

ANSWERTry the complexion clarifier or the skin refining scrub, both available at www.romancing-the-soap.comThey're organic, only herbal ingredients, BUT they must be fresh. I learned the hard way.... only carries the most potent natural products (maybe because the site is owned by a doc?)Check it out. It performed nothing short of a miracle on my skin (the complexion clar

Skin Texture

A wide variety of skin conditions and environmental factors can make the skin feel rough, bumpy, papery, wrinkled, dry, scaly, or leathery. Generally, determining the source of skin problems is the first step to finding effective treatments. A dermatologist can examine the problem and provide effective treatments to improve skin texture and resolve most skin conditions.


A scar is an area of skin that is a different color or texture from surrounding skin that results after an injury heals. Although most scars fade over time, certain types and those that occur in noticeable areas may remain apparent for a lifetime. Scars are cosmetic skin problems that do not require medical treatment, but their presence can be frustrating. Scar treatments available from a cosmetic dermatologist can help reduce the appearance of scars dramatically.


Characterized by facial redness and swelling, rosacea is a facial skin problem that usually afflicts adults with fair skin. It can appear at any age. Rosacea usually develops slowly at first, appearing periodically as a facial flush. The condition worsens over time and rarely resolves on its own. A cosmetic dermatologist can effectively treat rosacea with topical or oral medications, as well as facial skin treatments, such as laser therapy, to provide generally excellent results.


Rosacea, sometimes called adult acne, is a chronic inflammation of the face of unknown cause and without a permanent cure. Four different types of rosacea have been described:
· "Red face" rosacea, with a tendency to face flushing (or blushing), which can progress to a persistent redness of the nose or central face
· "Acne"-like bumps and/or pus-filled lesions (papulopustular rosacea), with or without a red face or flushing
· Rhinophyma – slow enlargement of oil glands and skin thickening of the nose and sometimes other face areas, usually in men
· Eye problems (ocular rosacea), which may occur before skin
changes – a burning or gritty feeling may be present as well as reddening of the eyes and lids

Who's At Risk

Adults between 30 and 60 are most often affected by rosacea; it is more common in women and in fair-skinned individuals, although dark-skinned people may also be affected. About 14 million Americans have rosacea. In most people rosacea comes and goes periodically; in some it gets worse with time. Frequent triggers (things that increase face blood flow) of rosacea include sunlight, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, exercise, hot baths or saunas, temperature extremes, and emotional stress. Prolonged use of cortisone creams on the face can also lead to rosacea. Some drugs may worsen flushing (nasal steroids, amiodarone, high doses of some B vitamins, tamoxifen, and rifampin).
Signs and Symptoms

· Persistent or recurrent redness of the central face ("high color," "ruddy"), sometimes with swelling
· Pimples or red bumps on the face (but no blackheads or whiteheads)
· Red, bulb-shaped nose
· Small blood vessels (or veins) on the central face
· Burning or gritty feeling in eyes with or without red eyelids
Mild rosacea – occasional blushing and/or only rare pimplesModerate rosacea – frequent blushing, persistent face redness and/or a few pimples almost all the timeSevere rosacea – lots of pimples or bumps all the time and/or red, uncomfortable eyes all the time and/or large bulbous nose and/or lots of blood vessels on the face, all of which can be bothersome in appearanceS

Rosacea Treatment - How To Get Rid Of Rosacea
Alien Sheng
published April 23, 2007
Rosacea is major acne problem in light skinned people who develop bumps, lesions, red rashes and pimples along with black heads and white heads. It's a great problem for teenage girls and boys who feel quite embarrassed to go out with their face totally red and swelled. Besides emotional problems the skin also suffers a lot. You always feel some burning sensation, constant mild pain and slight irritating itching also.Rosacea is not anything incurable. There are many methods that can be applied to treat rosacea and get rid of it. Broadly the treatments of rosacea are classified into two groups- traditional and contemporary. In traditional applications rosacea home remedies, herbal treatments, alternative medicines etc are prescribed and tried. While in contemporary treatments medications under the advice of a dermatologist, acne skin care products, light therapy, laser treatments etc are tried for healing the skin disorder.How to get rid of rosacea with traditional treatments?Home remedies take into account various resources of home like curds, milk fat, lemon, orange peels, tomato and other ingredients available in the treatment of rosacea. They are applied with either making paste of certain combinations of applying the nectar of some fruits on the skin. Facial mud packs, cucumber treatments etc are some of the common home remedies for rosacea. They are natural and cause no harm to your skin, instead it keeps it cool and provides soothing effect free from the sensations of rosacea. Besides the home remedies, other traditional medicines like herbal supplements, creams, pills etc are used in the treatment of rosacea.How to get rid of rosacea with contemporary treatments?The contemporary treatments include prescribed medications by skin specialists and other commercial products available in the market. The medications are mostly pills or creams containing laboratory formulas for combating the rosacea skin malfunctions. The commercial products like moisturizers, toners, deep cleanse milks etc are used for acne treatments. Laser therapies have also been developed to meet the complication of the severe lesions and pustules of rosacea.
CO2 lasers can be used to remove excess tissue caused by phymatous rosacea. CO2 lasers emit a wavelength that is absorbed directly by the skin. The laser beam can be focused into a thin beam and used as a scalpel or defocused and used to vaporise tissue. Low level light therapies have also been used to treat rosacea. One alternative skin treatment, fashionable in the Victorian and Edwardian eras, was Sulphur. Recently Sulphur has re-gained some credibility as a safe alternative to steroids and coal tar.SurgicalEnlarged blood vessels, some redness and changes due to rhinophyma often become permanent. In these cases, surgical methods, such as laser surgery and electrosurgery, may reduce the visibility of blood vessels, remove tissue buildup around your nose and generally improve your appearance.Here are other suggestions for preventing flare-ups:Wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher to protect your face from the sun.Protect your face in the winter with a scarf or ski mask.Avoid irritating your facial skin by rubbing or touching it too much.Avoid facial products that contain alcohol or other skin irritants.When using moisturizer with a topical medication, apply the moisturizer after the medication has dried.

Learn the 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Dieting & Fat Loss
Holistic Health Solutions for Rosacea - Skin Care Information for Vascular and Acne Rosacea
Rosacea Information and Botanical Rosacea Remedies on various topics concerning symptoms and treatments for this skin condition.
Learn what Rosacea is, read daily tips that all Rosacea sufferers should be practicing and find the most effective, best treatments for Rosacea. You may be wondering if Rosacea really be treated? Without question, yes.
Treatment of this condition can lessen and get rid of Rosacea symptoms such as blotchy red skin and irritating and painful inflammation. is pleased to offer this article on rosacea courtesy of ZenMed botanicals.

What Is Rosacea?

Pictures of Rosacea
Is Rosacea a widespread condition? Rosacea (sometimes misspelled rosacae) is pronounced rose-ay-shu. If you don't have this skin condition you may not realize how common a condition it is.
As the Rosacea photos demonstate,this condition is chronic skin disorder that is mostly found in adults. Those between the ages of thirty and sixty five seem to be the most afflicted children have also be known to have Rosacea. If you are not squirreling from this skin condition you might not realize that over sixteen million North Americans suffer from Rosacea symptoms. The most prone skin types are those who are fair skinned adults, especially women.
What is Rosacea? It is actually a hereditary and chronic (meaning long term) skin condition that is seen on the nose, forehead, cheekbones, and chin. When Rosacea is in the first stages those who suffer it afflictions will notice subtle redness in the center of the face which may come and go on its own. However, if ignored and left untreated this skin disease can develop into inflammation as well as skin eruptions that gradually continue to inflict chronic and even permanent symptoms.
About half of Rosacea sufferers also complain of symptoms with their eyes, also known as Ocular Rosacea. This is because the skin tissue can also become swollen and thicken becoming tender and sensitive to the touch.
The medical breakdown of rosacea: This skin disease causation is from the dilation of tiny micro vessels called arterioles, capillaries, and venules. These skin components lay close to the surface of the skin which makes them so visible and causes the skin to break out with blotchy red areas called papules.
Papules have three classification. They develop into minor, moderate, and severe eruptions on the skin depending on their stage of development and severity.
When a Papule forms it is seen as a red solid elevated inflammatory skin lesion without pus (unless the papule is in a severe stage).
A minor rosacea papule: size of a small measles lesion.
A moderate rosacea papule: the size of a pencil eraser.
A severe papule: the size of a coin and also contains pustules (pus-filled inflammatory bumps).
Daily skin care tips that all rosacea sufferers should be practicing:
1) Use lukewarm water to wash your skin, not hot water.
2) Wash your face gently with your fingers, not a cloth, and be sure to use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser like the one you'll be reading about on this page from ZenMed.
3) Don't rub the skin dry. Blot dry, instead, using a soft, thick-pile cotton towel. After this step Zen Med non abrasive cleanser is ideal to use by putting applying with your fingers.
4) Give your skin time to dry before applying other skin care products. If a cleanser hasn't been used, 5 or 10 minutes will be sufficient, otherwise waiting 20 or 30 minutes may be preferable.
5) Apply Zen MED Rosacea Support Serum. If any stinging is felt, increase the time between cleansing and applying the medication.
6) Wait another 5 or 10 minutes before applying any cosmetics or moisturizer.
Why Suffer Any Longer?
Who Gets Rosacea?
Since the Rosacea skin disease affects North Americans the most, and actually over 16 million North Americans have this skin disease, most people do not realize that it exists, and furthermore don't realize that it can easily be treated with products created especially to address Rosacea's symptoms.
Can Rosacea Be Treated?
Most definitely! For those who suffer with symptoms of Rosacea can treat their condition to lessen and get rid of the Rosacea symptoms. This also prevents the skin disease from getting getting worse while preventing the blood vessels from enlarging which also keeps rhinophyma from developing.

How Do I Treat Rosacea?

You can easily treat the Rosacea skin condition naturally without using harmful drugs with a revolutionary product called Rosacea Support Serum. This fine product for your skin contains Manuka and other healing botanical extracts. It also has soothing and healing pure essential oils and therapeutic ingredients. All of which are synergistically combined which supports the reduction of facial redness caused by Acne Rosacea.
It is also important to mention that the product comes with a guarantee, or you can request a full refund on your order of the Rosacea Topical Treatment Serum

How does Rosacea Support Serum work?

Rosacea Support Serum is a highly effective, all-natural topical treatment which was made specifically for Rosacea and Acne Rosacea sufferers.
With the therapeutic ingredients we already mentioned they synergistically work together to reduce the facial redness, flushing and broken vessels common to this skin condition.
This effective product limits the inflammatory process and then goes on to decrease tissue swelling. It does this by strengthening the collagen network of the skin and blood vessels. In also supports your skin in other way to promote healthy cellular regeneration. This is really important because it helps reduce the scaring that can occur when the papules heal which can cause scarring if not treated properly.
In summary, these are the three major benefits of using Rosacea Support Serum [Produced In Fda Approved Facilities]
Penetrates the skin where its healing and regenerative action takes place.
Reduces facial redness and broken blood vessels common to rosacea.
Promotes healthy cellular regeneration which reduces scarring, swelling and redness

SKIN WHITENING TIPS ITS SUCH A AMAZING...............................

Home remedies to whiten the skin-certain home made packs and remedies are really helpful in giving you a lighter and whiter complexion.


Dry orange peels in sun. When they are fully dried, grind them in a mixture and make powder. Add raw milk to it, make a paste and apply it on your skin everyday. Rinse it off with lukewarm water when dries. It's tested pack for skin whitening.


Take sandalwood powder, add lemon juice, tomato juice, cucumber juice to it, make a paste and apply on the skin till it dries to get a brighter, lighter and even skin tone.


Gram flour has whitening agents to it. Take 2 spoonfuls of gram flour; add a pinch of turmeric to it, few drops of lemon juice and few drops of milk cream. Make it a paste and apply on the skin. When it dries scrub it off. It can be applied all over the body everyday.


Soak almonds in water overnight. Peel them off in the morning. Make a paste and add honey to it. Apply it on face and scrub it off when dries to make skin whiter and glowing.


Potatoes have bleaching agents in them their juice is quite helpful in giving an even skin tone. Reduce pigmentation and blemishes. It can be applied on the skin everyday to get it whiter


One of the simplest ways of lightening skin is Lemon Juice. Topical Vitamin C is difficult to store and very expensive too. Rubbing Juice of half a lemon on the face and neck every day can provide very good results. It tingles the skin a bit, especially if applied on clear skin, but the tingling only lasts a few seconds. For added benefit a drink of lemon juice with a glass of warm water and rock salt, can be taken first thing every morning. The results can be seen within 4 weeks.


Juice of Half a Lemon - for application. For Drink - Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice, Warm Water, Rock Salt.

How to prepare:

Just Squeeze the lemon, avoid storing, best used fresh

How to use:

Dab a cotton Ball with freshly Squeezed lemon juice, rub over face and neck, till dry. If tingles too much, pat dry with towel.
Results (observed by submitter):I used it instead of buying the expensive Serum prescribed by my skin doctor. The skin has lightened, reducing pigmentation and seems rejuvenated.

· Homemade Skin Care Recipe: Green tea moisturizer/toner

Tip description / details:I saw a show about women who lightened liver spots using green tea masks and moisturizers. I use a green tea moisturizer myself and it helps lighten dark spots on my face. Not dramatically, but there is some fading and it is cheap .


3 tablespoons of loose leaf green tea ; 1 cup of water ; 1 tablespoon of glycerin (found at any drugstore)

How to prepare:

Brew the tea with hot water and let it seep for about 5 min. Pour the tea and glycerin into an old toner bottle and shake. Cool and keep it in the fridge

How to use:

Pat the toner on your face about 2 times a day, more if you can. Keep the toner in your fridge to slow down the oxidation of the tea and it lasts about a week .

Results (observed by submitter):

Some fading of dark spots and lightening of the skin.

· SkinSafe skin lightening

Tip description / details:This is a homemade facial skin lightener and it also lightens any melasma you may have that results from pregnancy. You have to use it religiously every night and by the end of one week you will be able to see the difference in your skin tone.
Ingredients:one cup of buttermilk; one medium sized fresh lemon; one fresh grapefruit
How to prepare:

Step 1: mix one cup of regular buttermilk with the juice of one medium sized fresh lemon. Step2: Squeeze out the juice of one fresh grapefruit

How to use:

The buttermilk and lemon mixture is applied on a clean face at bedtime. Then, in the morning, apply the juice of the grapefruit after rinsing off the buttermilk mixture. Leave grapefruit juice on the skin. It can be applied with a cotton ball as well.

Results (observed by submitter):

The results after one week are GREAT! I kept using it because I had a lot of melasma on my face after my pregnancy

· Homemade Skin Care Recipe: Olive oil and egg
lightening/moisturizing mask

Tip description / details:This is a recipe from my Albanian grandmother. She had an entire notebook of homemade skin care recipes and her skin at 70 looks better than mine some days (I'm in my thirties). Of course, she thought olive oil was a cure-all, but this recipe has conquered my skepticism. Also works well as a scalp mask.


1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and 1 egg yolk. Try good quality oil and maybe an organic egg.

How to prepare:

Mix together the egg yolk and the olive oil into a thick homogeneous mixture.

How to use:

Note: Best if done at night before bed. Wash skin thoroughly and dry. Apply mixture on skin (I use the back of the teaspoon that I used to mix the egg and oil). Smooth over face and let dry. When it starts to cake (15-20 minutes), wet a towel with water and start massaging the skin. This will help remove the mixture and at the same time rub some more of it into the skin. Rinse with lukewarm water (if too hot, the mask will "bake" and be hard to remove). Dry skin and apply moisturizer.

Results (observed by submitter):

The skin appears a little red after the mask (not very nice to go out, that's why it is better to do this at night). If you have breakouts, they may become a bit more noticeable, but it's temporary. In the morning the skin is much whiter/even toned, and moisturized. Particularly good when skin needs a lot of help, has broken out, etc.

· Skin Care Tip: Reducing pigmentation

I am olive skinned individual who experienced a real bad case of pigmentation after the birth of my daughter. It was so bad, that I had to cover up every minute of the day with make up. After going to so many doctors, skin specialists, and even after going to the skin cancer foundation, they all said the same thing "sorry can't help you, because of the color of your skin." Then I came across a skin doctor who put me on a combination of 10% hydroquinone (bleaching cream), and Retin A Forte Cream. I used this combination and within 3 months the pigmentation started to disappear. Today I am still pigment free, and wear no make up. However, I did experience a little bad luck with using it. After the skin started to peel I was so excited that I started to rub it, which caused a little scarring but with time, it went away. So if anyone using this, don't do what I did. Be patient and your time will come.

· Skin Care Tip: Bio Oil

Tip description / details:I started using Bio Oil for repairing scar tissue. It is also supposed to be good for stretch marks.

Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Chamomile extract, Calendula, Lavender and Rosemary. Launched by Union-Swiss in 1987, Bio-Oil is the result of two decades of research into oil-based vitamin-enriched skincare. The research focused primarily on solving the following problem: while oils provide the optimal storage environment for vitamins and other active ingredients, they are generally thick and sticky in nature and, as such, do not absorb well. The result is that the active ingredients largely remain in the oily residue on the skin surface and do not penetrate to where they are required.

How to prepare:

How to use:You don't need to use a lot. I did find that using it twice a day on my face was too much and I started getting little white bumps around my eyes, but I use it every second night without any problem.

Results (observed by submitter):

It has done a good job of minimising my scar, and I have been using it for my face for several months. It has evened out my skin tone and appears to be minimising some age spots on my face. I am now using it as an all over body oil, because, hey, it can't hurt and it's not expensive.

· Skin Care Tip: Reduce freckles, age spots

Tip description / details:To "bleach" out freckles and age spots, I use a solution of 50% milk, 50% fresh lemon juice. I gently apply and re-apply the solution to my skin with a sponge and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes. After rinsing thoroughly, I apply 15 spf moisturizer, and never go outside without it. This is quick, easy, and inexpensive.


50% whole milk, 50% fresh squeezed lemon juice.
How to prepare:Mix together in small bowl.

How to use:

Apply and re-apply to completely hydrate the face with the solution for 5 to 10 minutes.

Results (observed by submitter):

There is a noticeable lightening of freckles, and a slight lightening of age spots

· Cosmetics / Makeup Tip: Low cost facial oil blotters

Tip description / details:One day while receiving a perm I noticed that the consistency of the perm end papers closely resembled the face blotting papers I had purchased from Mary Kay. I bought a package of end papers, and as an experiment, started to use them as facial blotters for the "afternoon shine" that I develop on my face. Much to my delight, they worked pretty well. While they did not absorb as much facial oil as the Mary Kay blotters, using several to do the job is still considerably less money than purchasing the Mary Kay (or other manufacturer's) product. I use the jumbo-sized perm end papers sold by Sally Beauty Supply. You can purchase a 10 pack (10,000 papers) for about $12.00.
How to prepare:
How to use:

Results (observed by submitter):

I use the perm end papers to blot excess moisturizer before applying my foundation. This helps to prolong the appearance of excess oil on my face. Then I use the papers to remove excess oil whenever I need to freshen my makeup. It removes surface oil without disturbing the makeup I have applied.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


What Is Asthma?
Asthma DefinitionAsthma Definition Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes episodes of difficult breathing. This is primarily due to constriction, tightening of the muscles surrounding the airways, and inflammation, soreness, swelling and irritation of the airways in the lungs.
Types of AsthmaThere are actually several different types of asthma. Understanding the specific type of asthma you have can help you get the most effective treatment. Some the types of are:
Allergic asthma
Exercise indeed asthma
Occupational asthma
Cough variant asthma
Nocturnal (nighttime) asthma

An Asthma Diagnosis Begins With Identifying Asthma Symptoms

Determining patterns of asthma symptoms is essential to making an asthma diagnosis. Individual asthma symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions, so looking at recurrent causes and frequency of asthma symptoms can help your doctor decide if you have asthma or something else.

Could It Be Asthma?
You're having some trouble breathing and you're wondering if it could be asthma. After all, you're hearing every day how there's an asthma epidemic and you wonder how you or your child will escape, right? There are some very basic clues that can help you get a handle on whether it's asthma -- or something else.
How Your Doctor Decides on a Diagnosis
If you or your child haven't visited a doctor yet, or haven't gotten a diagnosis so far, you may still be wondering if you have asthma or some other breathing problem. To decide, your doctor will use a combination of medical history, symptoms and testing to decide if a person with breathing problems actually has asthma.